Novo Holidays Enterprises believes in helping our customers and therefore has a liberal cancellation and refund policy. We make sure you that all services given on Novo Holidays Enterprises are 100% genuine.
You can cancel your Visa Application after taking our services or after submitted your Visa documents to us.
We are authorized to cancel your visa application before submitting to Consulate or Embassy if we found some fraud or wrong documents submitted by you. There are certain types of visa or consulate which are unable to process from our side due to not having authorization. We cannot accept these types of application from you.
If customer cancelled his travel plan due to any reason after submission of visa documents to us then he is liable to pay our service charges fully. If their visas not yet applied from us then we can refund visa fee paid by customer through method of payment (Credit card/ Debit Card/ Net banking etc.) chosen by customer while paying.
If customer cancelled his plan after submission of their visa application to authorized submission centre /consulate /embassy. Then total paid visa fees including services charges are non-refundable. Visa fee is non-refundable once paid even your visa is done/cancelled/refused/withdraw.
Certain charges like courier, Insurance cancellation, vendor fees are applicable to pay for customer. These will be not refunded from us.
The client discerns and accepts that the total invoice amount (bill value) will incorporate the Novo Holidays Enterprises. consultation fee and the applicable GST. However, the refund would be computed only on the Novo Holidays Enterprises consultation fee.
In case of this allowance by the Visa and Immigration authorities, Novo Holidays Enterprises will rebate the applicable amount as per stated in the agreement. The rebate will be done within 90 working days after the client presents the Refund Claim Form to Novo Holidays Enterprises. The client has to enclose a duplicate of the rejection letter from the authority backing the Refund claim. If client is unable to either enclose a copy of the rejection letter or rejection stamp on the client's passport, Novo Holidays Enterprises will not rebate applicable refund amount. Client also has to attach the refund request form which is a copy of his / her receipt for payment made to Novo Holidays unable to attach these documents will make the client unqualified for the rebate.
Novo Holidays Enterprises is not liable for rebate of any fees or other amounts / charges that have been paid to any Assessing Bodies, Immigration Authorities, Embassy / Consulate / High Commission in the event of the applicant facing rejection for visa / immigration, or in any case of rejection or non-acceptance of his / her application at any stage by any authority. The fee for registration and processing is only inclusive of charges towards the services accomplished by Novo Holidays Enterprises and is not inclusive of any application or assessing fees. The applicant accepts to pay the entire additional fees required, as applicable, during the processing.
If the client has submitted the money through Credit Card or Net Banking, the applicant willingly undertakes that he will not dispute the payment or notify the designated bank for charge back, insist the bank to withhold or cancel the payment made to Novo Holidays Enterprises by the applicant. The Applicant further commits to apprise his banker that the payment made to the Company is genuine, and the transaction is an exception for his request to cancel or charge back the payment in his favour, inclusive of misuse and card loss cases either by him or through anyone. The applicant adheres to cooperate with Novo Holidays Enterprises in this aspect in case Novo Holidays Enterprises wishes to defend / represent the matter in their favour before any bank / authority.
In case of the visa being denied on the following grounds, no rebate will be done.
The client should also understand and accept that no refund or transfer of Novo Holidays Enterprises fee to a friend or a relative will be done in the event he or she abandons his/her application or decides to opt out due to any reason during the proceedings after he/she signs-up.
It is understood that submission of application for immigration is never generic, routine and/or time bound. The concerned case officer may call for additional documents, as per the changing requirements of the process, and may request for further submission of such additional documents to the concerned immigration authorities. Any request for refund on these grounds will not be entertained.
The applicant accepts that the immigration process includes showing enough funds, if applicable, which differs from country to country and the process/category the applicant applies. The applicant undertakes to meet such requirement as desired by the concerned immigration/other authorities, and failure to provide such funds by the applicant shall not make Novo Holidays Enterprises liable for any refund of the service charges or part thereof.
Novo Holidays Enterprises is not a part of any government authority/organization or embassy. We are a private company and we do not have the authority to grant you a visa of any kind. We can only assist and advice people who want to migrate or travel to their selected country. Please note that the final decision on all visa applications rests with the relevant government departments in their respective countries.
Our agreements with clients are drawn on bedrock of trust, sincerity, and security, and each option is spelled out clearly. Our terms are transparent and there is nothing hidden.
The client agrees and acknowledges that the company doesn't suggest or force any service/product/visa etc. and the pronouncement of a particular service/product/visa etc. is client's individual decision and cannot be at any time assumed to be a company judgment. Novo Trading Enterprises markets all the products and educates all clients about the opportunities without any external pressure to have decided on this service/product/visa etc.
The applicant has noticed all the above provisions in detail, agrees, and continues to adhere to all the terms and conditions on signing/acknowledging this agreement.
For further details, please reach out to us or you can e-mail us on we will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine and remedy the problem.
Greetings from the team at Novo Holidays As the world eagerly embraces a new era of exploration, we're thrilled to bring you the latest updates, travel inspiration, and visa insights to fuel your wanderlust.