
Anti Fraud Policy

Anti Fraud Policy

Things to Know About Novo Holidays Anti-Fraud Policy

    Novo Holidays has been offering complete tours and travel including all immigration and visa services across India for more than a decade now. During this period, the company has experienced both good and bad and to address the bad, the fraud, it has created an anti-fraud policy, which you as a customer must be aware of.

    Novo Holidays Anti-Fraud Policy is a protection cover for all the clients to be safe from immigration fraud. The policy was created in the interest of the people willing to migrate overseas.

    Payments to Novo Holidays staff

    • Ask for a receipt when you make a payment. Novo Holidays gives a receipt for every payment it receives, no matter how big or small the amount is. A soft copy of the receipt is also sent to the client’s email. If you have any questions regarding payments to Novo Trading Enterprises, please send email to account@novoholidays.in
    • Do not pay enter into an oral or verbal agreement with any Novo Holidays employee or person claiming to be a Novo Holidays employee. The company won’t be liable for any such activity between an employee or a third person and the client.
    • If you are cautioned against making any additional payments to any Novo Holidays Enterprises employee. If any Novo Holidays staff members offer to fabricate your profile or get you any kind of document for an additional fee, we strongly advise that you inform the management for us to take suitable action against the employee.

    Please Note: The company is not liable if you enter into any verbal or written agreement with a Novo Holidays employee or his/her reference. If you have paid for any additional service to any Novo employee, we are not responsible for the consequences.

    Fraudulent Documentation

    • Novo Holidays does not deal with cases where fraudulent documentation or information has been submitted. Your case will be accepted by Novo Holidays based on the information you have provided, which we assume is to be true. Novo Holidays Enterprises is not liable if you have provided incorrect / misleading / fraudulent documentation or information.
    • Novo Holidays employees are strictly warned against illegal practices such as this and are required to adhere to Novo Holidays company policy. In the event of any employee going against company policy.
    • Do not be misled by dishonest Novo Holidays staff into believing that it is acceptable practice to submit forged documents with your visa application. The application will be refused and you may face further investigation from respected authorities.
    • Do not believe Novo Holidays staffs who say that they can, in exchange for money or other favours, influence the processing speed of applications or the final decision. Visa decisions are made only by visa officers authorized by the respective country.
    • Do not be fooled by fake websites designed to look like official government websites or like service delivery partner websites. Always get your visa information from official government websites.
    • Do not be duped by a job or visa scam. Many people are being cheated with overseas job offers that do not exist. Please deliberate your decision before you hand over your money, passport and personal details.
    • Besides that, the company does not offer any job or visa guarantee. It is at the sole discretion of the employers and the respective visa consulate/embassy. So keep yourself safe and contact Novo Holidays for genuine immigration service and report to us if you see any fraudulent activity.

    Contact Information- If you have any questions or comments, please Communicate with us. You can contact our Service Integrity Officer.

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